Whois Privacy Protection, sometimes also called Privacy or Whois Privacy Protection, is a service that conceals the authentic contact details of domain registrants on WHOIS check web sites. Without such protection, the name, home address and email account of any domain name registrant will be publicly visible. Providing false information during the domain name registration procedure or changing the genuine info at a later time will simply not work, as doing such a thing may result in the domain name registrant losing his/her domain name ownership rights. The policies adopted by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), require that the WHOIS information must be valid and accurate all the time. The Whois Privacy Protection service was launched by domain name registrars as an answer to the increasing concerns for potential identity fraud. If the service is enabled, the domain name registrar’s contact details will be displayed instead of the client’s upon a WHOIS check. Most domain names support the Whois Privacy Protection service, although there are some country-code extensions that don’t.