If your web hosting service provider offers live chat support, you'll be able to talk with a representative in real-time and find out helpful info or get an issue resolved promptly. The key advantage of using chat compared to calling to talk with a live person is that you'll need only a computer with access to the web, which means that you won't pay any charges if you are in another country or state. What's more, it will be easier to copy and paste data for example domain names, usernames or error messages i.e. details that are sometimes difficult to give to the other side on the phone. The real-time chat is also a considerably quicker way to contact your website hosting company's support team compared to using a ticketing system. What's more, in case some problem requires more time to be dealt with, you can do something else entirely while you wait for support on the live chat, so that you will not waste time - something that is impossible if you're on the phone.